The Political Spectrum

The Political/Economic Spectrum.

Fascism is a word that gets thrown around by Social Justice Warriors (SJWs). In my conversations that I attempt to have with them, they become hostile and condescending, but are unable to define “fascism” except to say that it is a frightening characteristic of people on the “far right”. They end friendships with people who express any ideas that they have been conditioned to hate. Some are so brutally indoctrinated that they obsessively include things like masculinity and private ownership as characteristics of fascism.

However, if the simplest description of the political/economic spectrum is used, fascism is clearly on the left where there is greater government control over society. On the right, where governments have less power and individuals have greater freedom, it is impossible for power-hungry monsters like Hitler to achieve their goals. Socialists desperately what to disown the National Socialist party of Germany and put the blame for his crimes on capitalism. The Nazis cut social programs and therefore leftists claim that it was capitalism that caused the second world war and holocaust. In their minds, Donald Trump is a fascist and some of them go as far as saying that he is “literally Hitler”.

It seems to me that some concepts of the political spectrum are very convoluted and confusing. SJWs rationalize that because the Nazis cut social programs, they are certainly on the right wing. According to them, anyone who wants less government than Weimar Germany offered is on the so-called right wing.

While it is true that Hitler cut social programs and permitted private businesses for Aryans, he was far from being a small-government libertarian who supported free-market capitalism. There were high taxes and very strong influence over many aspects of life by the state, including industry. The republic that replaced the German Empire after the first world war inherited gargantuan problems that politicians attempted to fix by printing money. If your currency was valued trillions to one against the U.S. dollar, what would you do? The economy was in such shambles after the first world war that no SJW is capable of understanding how horrible things were. Many people were horribly disfigured, trembling amputees with shellshock (PDSD) and severe hearing damage. Many people were dead. The Treaty of Versailles insured that their offspring where financially enslaved to France and the United States for generations. SJWs, in their delusion, insist that Germany before the second world war was basically like today’s USA and crawling with proto-Trump supporters.

SJWs label Nazis as “far right”. Do they think that moving away from communism first decreases government control over people until it reaches a minimum and then begins to increase again, like a sinewave? This manipulative way of thinking is unfortunate because it gives the impression that people who want freedom and small government are fascists.

Hard work and innovation are suddenly met with the scorn of screaming, militant Marxists who, in some cases, will start fires, loot businesses and hurt people unwilling to endorse their movement. However, in the clown-world of SJWs where up is down and left is right, the truck drivers who found their way to Ottawa and honked their horns are somehow the bad guys. A significant number of the drivers were of East Indian ancestry, but that didn’t stop the MSM from characterizing images the protests with images of a Confederate flag amongst the protesters and focusing on vague reports of unfavorable behavior on the part of “far-right-extremists”.

Can people begin to think logically about the political spectrum or is it me who is crazy for thinking that Hitler and his big-government and extreme control of his population belongs on the left with the other monsters who call themselves socialists? Perhaps someone can explain to me why they associate Nazis and their concentration camps with people who value hard work and independence instead of associating Nazis with communists. Hitler would never tolerate the comedy and relentless insults that Trump endured every day in the (MSM) for his entire first term. Orange Man boasted about the prosperity of minorities when he was in office and continues to talk about how good things were for everybody (except D.C. swamp creatures) under his administration. On January 6th, he clearly called for “peaceful” protest. By what ridiculous mental gymnastics is he similar to Hitler?

Help me with the intellectual contortionism required to think that Joe Biden is a better president in any way.

Island Boys

There are a pair of rappers who call themselves “The Island Boys”. Find videos of them of you enjoy tackiness-induced mental discomfort. They cause me to cringe. I think about them a lot. Their hair annoys me. Their tattoos (including on their faces) drive me up the wall. Everything about them. Their boney bodies and diamond teeth. Diamond belt buckles.

In one of their music videos a grandmother is preparing to cook some sausages and she makes a phone call. One of The Island Boys answer the phone, “abuela!” They have a short argument where she insists that they come home and quit wasting time. They protest and resolve with bro-fists to continue wasting time on some little island in a harbor. They get a friend to make a video with a cellphone of them freestyle rapping about their lifestyle. I can’t get enough of this shit. What is wrong with me? Will I become a fan and follow these annoying duchebags around on tour? What if I become one of them?

Watching them produces an irritation that is similar to how I feel when I hear Justin Trudeau’s soft authoritarian voice. At least The Island Boys don’t stutter and when they humm and haw, it is groovy and deliberate. The mumble quite a bit, but their message is simple and direct, whereas listening to Trudeau is like being a passenger in a car driven by a nervous crack head.

If you’ve discovered The Island Boys and hate me because of it, that is understandable. They are like a violent car accident; it is hard to look away.

The Emergency Actor

Shortly after the self-described “Young Risk Taker”, Floyd George, attempted to buy cigarettes with counterfeit money, he found himself in trouble with the police. He found himself high on drugs and under the influence of Officer Derek Chauvin’s knee. He was then transferred from that unfortunate situation to a morgue. Fans of the Young Risk Taker (YRT) were very upset, especially those of the radical leftist variety. Perhaps they never had the YRT holding the mussel of a gun to their pregnant bellies, otherwise they might have understood that pornstar/meth-heads are often lucky to live as long as The YRT lived.

The mainstream media turned The YRT into a martyr and millions of morons were recruited into militant mobs. Riots raged for over a hundred days in some places. Parts of major American cities were closed off and declared to be independent nations by drug-addled Marxists. Several city blocks were ruled sick, sloven activists who raised ramshackle border walls and presided over death and debauchery. Restaurants were invaded by chanting fanatics who would intimidate and coerce patrons into shouting and kneeling with them. Residential neighborhoods were subjected to hundreds of people yelling, “Wake up! Wake up! Wake up, mother fucker, wake up!” Dozens of people died and many police officers were injured.

President Trump offered to send the national guard many times and I marveled that he didn’t bypass the states and stop the mayhem. ANTIFA had to reach very close to the White House for the police to do much of anything to stop them and when they were prevented from burning down an important church in the capital, Trump was declared to be a despot. The mainstream media (MSM) was brutal to him for the duration of his first term. He was belittled mercilessly every day by comedians, pundits, and the obnoxious, opinionated liars on TV. He was often compared to Hitler. Would Der Fuhrer have allowed groups like BLM or ANTIFA to exist? Would Hitler allow shows like Saturday Night Live to roast him every weekend? Imagine if Trump wore blackface?

The obvious answer reveals the undeniable bias of the MSM. There is no doubt that if photos of Orange Man wearing blackface surfaced, they would be displayed permanently in the corner of every fakenews cast for the next ten years. The tickers at the bottom of the screen would only tell tales of Klansman Trump. Trudeau wore blackface many times and lied about his schedule on very first Day for Truth and Reconciliation so that he could fly right over the bleeding heart of controversy and go surfing. The media says very little about his incredibly obnoxious selfish behavior. The money that his government have paid to keep the legacy media afloat ensures that no one like Alec Baldwin are allowed to give Trudeau the comedic treatment or scathing critique that he has coming.

Fans of The YRT destroyed buildings and businesses. They looted, burned, intimidated and murdered. Many politicians knelt with their cause. The truckers in Ottawa cleaned up after themselves and might have reduced crime. Despite a few agitators who were probably paid, their protest was known to be friendly, fun and totally nonviolent. BLM created chaos and death for months. No emergency was declared. Trucks start blocking streets and honking their horns for a few weeks and Canada’s pathetic Prime Minister, first hides cowardly under flimsy pretexts and then orders his economically idiotic finance minister freeze bank accounts.

Trudeau, who openly expresses admiration for “basic dictatorship” of the most murderous regime in world history, the Chinese Communist Party, moves to freeze the bank accounts of peaceful protesters, but according to the MSM, Trump was a dictator. How ignorant must one be to not notice the double standard? How lazy must we be to remain complacent?

On Chuckwagon Races

During a decade in the past, the Calgary Stampede and Exhibition ran a marketing slogan. “The hottest ten days of summer.” I decided that they were the tackiest and continue to have a fairly cynical attitude towards the greatest outdoor show in town and its puke, sex and animal abuse. However, I found timeless beauty in those teams of horses thundering around the bend and onto the straightaway, whipped and screamed at reckless maniacs.

It is neither for nor against the controversial sport of chuckwagon racing that I speak. I can only try to convey the deep, unexpected response I felt upon witnessing, in the flesh, the metaphor of tent pegs being thrown into the back of a vehicle and the mad rush around the half mile of hell. I found it truly impressive. Tears come to my eyes now when I recall them charging into sight and towards the finish line. I felt so incredibly humble in the presence of such power and beauty. It is an awesome spectacle and the only thing that compares to it is everyday life.

After the fifth or eighth time that people climbed onto animals, they were probably racing them. I suspect that their brute force was put towards pulling plows only after we’d figured out how to move ourselves faster than our flimsy little legs would let us; faster than our competitors. How long have young men been meeting glory or disaster while trying to impress potential mates with acts of skill and courage? Can you imagine the countless creatures that have been killed because boys have something to prove? Amazing mounted women racing around barrels at the foot of the grandstand contribute to the mystique of this primitive pursuit. It is recreation now, but such skills were necessary for societies to thrive, only a short century ago. Throughout history, humans have dramatically increased their productivity by enslaving animals, including those of their own species. We have prospered by harnessing energy. It is in our blood. The bull riders and the burning flame of the Calgary tower are examples. Pain. Suffering. Death. And then a giant tractor pulls the grandstand stage onto the infield. A song and dance follow. Comedy. Fireworks. What a spectacle life is!

From racing on foot, we have raced on beasts and when beasts could carry us no faster, we forged machines. Rockets lifted an electric car towards mars, but still the hooves at the Stampede Grounds toss soil as those beautiful beasts are pushed to their limits and occasionally beyond. It is timeless and deadly like chariot races. It is dramatic.

I don’t blame my wife from Rio de Jannero for wanting to witness the most interesting show that we have to offer during the brief summer in this subarctic desert. I have tried to appease her with (what the City of Calgary claims is) the most extensive urban bicycle path network in North America. I have taken her camping in the mountains and on the prairies. What can else I do?… yeah, yeah, yeah. The Zoo. We haven’t been to the zoo yet. Fine! I’ll take her to the zoo. What then? What can with do during the inter-restriction time when we have favorable weather for about five minutes? Hopefully this year summer lands on a weekend, right? (winky face).

Open Letter Regarding David Suzuki’s Comments.

Dear Minister Nixon,

When David Suzuki made his statement about pipelines getting blown up, he had long since destroyed his credibility. However, we now have yet another reason to be skeptical of anyone who demands that we “trust the science” about the so-called “climate emergency” and the ridiculous, expensive solutions to these supposed problems.

They better not!

When I believed in Catastrophic Anthropogenic Climate Change (CACC), I stopped driving my VW Fox (80hp, 4cyl, 1000KG) and I became an avid cyclist year-round. I biked through the bitter, freezing cold and under the hot, blazing sun. Even now that I think CACC is fraud, I still bike over a thousand kilometers per year. If David Suzuki and his ilk really believe that we need to reduce our carbon footprint, why hasn’t he been promoting cycling since he was convinced that there was a problem? Bicycles are, by far, the most efficient form of transportation. They were readily available and affordable long before the first TESLA rolled off the production line. They were a viable option when Suzuki was a child. They improved a lot by the time he began claiming that fossil fuels were killing the planet and they have just gotten better and better. There is no excuse for the economically idiotic and unsustainable solutions that they propose to their fake crisis.

Deaths from weather-related events have declined dramatically in the past century. Storms have always happened and the data shows now alarming trends that I can see. Judging by the Prime Minister’s willingness to lye about his schedule on The Day for Truth and Reconciliation so that he could go surfing before and after the consumption of a large amount of jet fuel, Justin Trudeau is much less worried about CACC than I ever was. No major politician reduced his or her carbon footprint the way I did. No science/entertainment superstar like David Suzuki or Neil Degras Tyson seems willing to show the world how much fun it can be to ride a bicycle. What am I supposed to think when I see how slimy high-profile climate alarmists often are? David Suzuki’s foundation had a webpage to scare children with a cartoon of Santa’s workshop sinking into the Arctic. He even stated on Australian television that elected representatives who disagree with him should be prosecuted. That’s almost mafioso.

If the drought of 1540 happened today, climate alarmists would certainly blame human prosperity. I demand that the government stop towing the line on this issue. I don’t even want to hear about the need to make a “clean energy transition” when proponents of such policies are such hypocrites. The City of Calgary claims to have the most extensive network of bicycle paths and second busiest LRT network in North America. Calgary has been recognized as the cleanest city in the world. There is room for improvement but we are doing an excellent job here. I was recycling before Greta Thunberg’s parents even met.

Thank-you for speaking out against Suzuki’s comments. Please, don’t stop there.




Cameron Melin

On Chuckwagon Races

During a decade in the past, the Calgary Stampede and Exhibition ran a marketing slogan. “The hottest ten days of summer.” I decided that they were the tackiest and continue to have a fairly cynical attitude towards the greatest outdoor show in town and its puke, sex and animal abuse. However, I found timeless beauty in those teams of horses thundering around the bend and onto the straightaway, whipped and screamed at reckless maniacs.

It is neither for nor against the controversial sport of chuckwagon racing that I speak. I can only try to convey the deep, unexpected response I felt upon witnessing, in the flesh, the metaphor of tent pegs being thrown into the back of a vehicle and the mad rush around the half mile of hell. I found it truly impressive. Tears come to my eyes now when I recall them charging into sight and towards the finish line. I felt so incredibly humble in the presence of such power and beauty. It is an awesome spectacle and the only thing that compares to it is everyday life.

After the fifth or eighth time that people climbed onto animals, they were probably racing them. I suspect that their brute force was put towards pulling plows only after we’d figured out how to move ourselves faster than our flimsy little legs would let us; faster than our competitors. How long have young men been meeting glory or disaster while trying to impress potential mates with acts of skill and courage? Can you imagine the countless creatures that have been killed because boys have something to prove? Amazing mounted women racing around barrels at the foot of the grandstand contribute to the mystique of this primitive pursuit. It is recreation now, but such skills were necessary for societies to thrive, only a short century ago. Throughout history, humans have dramatically increased their productivity by enslaving animals, including those of their own species. We have prospered by harnessing energy. It is in our blood. The bull riders and the burning flame of the Calgary tower are examples. Pain. Suffering. Death. And then a giant tractor pulls the grandstand stage onto the infield. A song and dance follow. Comedy. Fireworks. What a spectacle life is!

From racing on foot, we have raced on beasts and when beasts could carry us no faster, we forged machines. Rockets lifted an electric car towards mars, but still the hooves at the Stampede Grounds toss soil as those beautiful beasts are pushed to their limits and occasionally beyond. It is timeless and deadly like chariot races. It is dramatic.

I don’t blame my wife from Rio de Jannero for wanting to witness the most interesting show that we have to offer during the brief summer in this subarctic desert. I have tried to appease her with (what the City of Calgary claims is) the most extensive urban bicycle path network in North America. I have taken her camping in the mountains and on the prairies. What can else I do?… yeah, yeah, yeah. The Zoo. We haven’t been to the zoo yet. Fine! I’ll take her to the zoo. What then? What can with do during the inter-restriction time when we have favorable weather for about five minutes? Hopefully this year summer lands on a weekend, right? (winky face).

What I Want from My Governments

We need to wear masks because we are stupid and ugly.

In pleasant contrast to the hostility and intolerance that many people express towards opinions that are contrary to their own, I was pleasantly surprised when someone asked me what I think and what I would do if I was in a position of power and influence. I was a little hard pressed to summarize the ideas that I have at this point in my life about how the world works and how I believe it could be better. I will try here. I will also include a few other ideas that have been shared with me.

But first, I will explain what little logic I managed to articulate in response to the interesting question of what I would like my governments to do. Its fairly simple: I am a Libertarian. I won’t say exactly what governments should or should do, but they should do less. The so-called “climate emergency” is a dangerous temptation for the them to do much, much more at disastrous expense. If it were up to me, the majority of Canadians who claim to be concerned about carbon dioxide emissions can hope on a bicycle from time to time and prove that they believe in Catastrophic Anthropogenic Climate Change (CACC). When I was a CACC-sucker I stopped driving my small car and biked year-round. Soccer moms, electricians and other people who want to virtue signal their concern for the environment can rack up a thousand kimmies a year without much difficulty. Many people can easily bike much more without compromising quality of life. They might actually benefit from the fresh air, exercise and perspective that bicycles provide (not to mention the inexpensive operation).

The City of Calgary boasts the most extensive urban bicycle path network in North America. Therefore, upgrading to a system that is practical and safe for most people would be a relatively inexpensive investment. Electric bicycles reduce the excuses that CACC-suckers produce when whining for subsidized cars with cup holders and acceleration that isn’t going to save the world. Investments in such infrastructure also has the advantage of fewer unionized employees than public transit. Drivers and mechanics cost taxpayers a lot.

What will cost taxpayers more? Replacing every automobile and piece of power generation equipment in the world, or ending street parking along good cycling routes?

I imagine a project: there is currently a bicycle path that runs along a pleasant and picturesque route from downtown to the city’s North East. However, once riders fly over Deerfoot Trail, they quickly find themselves on roads with cars. The available routes into the residential areas are indirect and tedious compared to the pathway of the Nose Creek Valley. I propose a viaduct over the warehouses and the mall that lies between Alberta’s busiest highway and the neighborhoods. It would save cyclists time, encounters with automobiles. It would also provide Calgary’s North East with some much-needed awesomeness. The quadrant has pathways, but few of them are interesting or beautiful. A fast route with a view of the city centre with the mountains in the background might encourage people to leave their private automobiles at home more often. Even the mall might receive more visits if people can park their bikes on the roof and wander down to its corridors.

Another project that I would like to see would be a passenger train between Calgary and Edmonton. There have proposals for a highspeed service but since there is no regular speed passenger trains at this point, perhaps we should start there. The highspeed proposals only stop and the airports of the province’s two biggest cities and in Red Deer. If it were up to me, exciting destinations like Airdrie, Olds and Penoka could have stops. These towns and small cities might benefit from people being able to commute conveniently to a business centre. Many passengers could also bring bicycles on the trains or leave them at the stations.

Geeze…that might be the extent of what I would do if I were the despot. How about some of my brother’s ideas? He suggested making public transit free! I am skeptical, but it might just be crazy enough to work. I’ve heard about it being successful on some level in at least one place. It would, in theory, reduce the need for expensive infrastructure projects and improve traffic flow. He also suggested the city buy or rent a tunneling machine to make routes for bicycles or public transit. When a major road was dug up, he said it would have been a good opportunity to put a subway line down. What else?

Ah yeah. I had another idea of my own: a petition fair. People can hang out and sign all the non-binding statements that they agree with and acquire snacks from food trucks and ignore live entertainment from musicians and clowns. It might be a good event to also host debates and forums.

This is something that I will continue to think about, but there are very few things that I would rush to change. Despite identifying as a libertarian and being suspicious of bureaucracies, I must admit to receiving reasonably good service from government employees most of the time and excellent service many times. I have received several responses to letters that I have written to public officials, including Ralph Klein when he was Premier. I am open to the idea of private education and healthcare, but I let other people argue things like that.

Oh! Yet another idea! Perhaps there should be a few government positions that are offered by way of a lottery. That would give people who lack the connections and money that help with leadership roles an opportunity to influence some of the decisions that get made on our behalf. The prime minister should not be put in place this way, but some lucky person gets to have his or her voice lifted above the din.

Hey! There’s more! Calgary also claims to have the world’s largest collection of interconnected elevated walkways in it’s downtown core. Why aren’t these promoted during the cold months as a place of walking/jogging. I see a city centre with a new train station and waterpark along the 9th Ave corridor where lots of land waits for interesting additions.

Here’s one for you: Let’s replace “pride” celebrations with honoring the love between consenting human adults (CHAL). Not only is this intended to protect CHAL rights, but it also seems worth sparing innocent, impressionable young minds the highly sexualized aspects of pride parades. Where is the parade to honor healthy families?

“Pride” parades are also due to be replaced because I think many people are very tired of the LGBTQRSTUV2F+ BS. I am. This ever-changing initialism has become extremely convoluted and its still not enough sometimes. Some people feel the need to add a “plus” to the end. Plus, what? Hmm? PLUS, WHAT?! What is the perversion that is missing from the lengthening series of letters? What is up with that goddamn “plus”? What are they beating around the bush about? Hmmm? Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer, 2 Spirited. What else is there?

Do we need rights for people who are attracted to inanimate objects? Sure. Why not? As long as they don’t hump any of my inanimate objects, or anything out in public, its none of my business. How about people that are sexually attracted to animate objects that aren’t consenting adults? Do they deserve to engage in their fantasies? In my opinion, all good people must oppose perverts trying to get off on animals or children.

What?! LGBTQRSTUV2F+ BS is not meant to hurt children? I’m a bigot for only supporting CHAL? Who am I oppressing? I just want freedom for people to engage in healthy relationships and that excludes all forms of pedophilia and bestiality. That exclusion is meant to prevent civilization from collapsing.

Next, I will quit drinking as a demonstration of my displeasure with the vaxx pass. I’ll show you healthy. Close the gyms down but keep the liquor stores open? Consider making your family eat outside in the bitter freezing cold for Christmas? How can we trust these bureaucrats?

The Election Correction

Is this for real?

I will presume, for the moment, that the election results from Wisconsin are accurate and without manipulation. I can consider that many, many more of the people who voted by mail liked Biden more than Trump. Perhaps Biden supporters are very practical or lazy or afraid of the RONA and preferred to keep their distance from places where thousands of people would pass through. On the other hand, maybe the mail-in ballots would have been closer to the results of November 3rd if the truth of Hunter Biden’s computer was as obvious as they were on election day.

Could people have hated Trump and voted against him only to regret it when they saw those rotten teeth or that cigarette hanging from that unshaven face? Perhaps their opinion changed when they learned of “The Chairman/Big Guy” and the cut that he was to take from the highly questionable business deals that were typed about. The details contained on the hard drive might have melted a universal orange man bad mentality…but I doubt it.

The fakenooz lie when they call him “unpopular”. I’ve never seen such genuine love for a politician in my lifetime. Of course, there are those who hate him no matter how many people say that they are doing better after three years with his administration than they were under the previous president. There are people who will call him a fascist no matter how low he pushes the unemployment rate amongst black people. There are people who will hate him more than they’ve ever hated, but enough have managed to think outside the MSM box to appreciate at least some of the things that he has done and question the actions of the previous pair who occupied the Oval Office, even before we saw Sleepy Joe struggling to remember where he was or who he was with. Enough people have seen the former vice president’s son sleeping with a crackpipe and learned about his strange perversions, weeks before election day.

Despite all the speculation about how the vote could appear so highly questionable, it is hard to ignore the obvious possibility that Occam’s Razor might explain: Fraud. The explanations get more and more complicated the strange shutdown of the counting is considered. The fact that the counting continues after the media has begun calling Creepy Joe “president elect” defies simple explanation.


Climate Analogy

Some climate alarmists compare carbon dioxide to a blanket placed over the Earth which will cause it to heat out of control and produce death, discomfort and disappointing ski seasons. They claim that only fundamental changes in economics, industry and lifestyle can prevent the suffering that is supposedly threatening every nation in the world. This belief bothers them so much that they become angry and insulting to anyone who doubts the doomsday predictions that are ruining their lives. Their devotion to this belief is unshakable and they expect everyone else to experience the same dread that the wake and sleep with every day.

Instead of a blanket, I like to think of the Earth as a building and its atmosphere as a the insulation that keeps it warm. Imagine, if you will, 10,000 batts of fiberglass insulation within its exterior walls. Imagine further that there are different kinds of insultation with different thermodynamic properties. The most common type makes up includes 7,800 batts. The second most common type includes 2100 batts. A third type includes about 900 batts.

There are a few other pieces of material preventing heat from leaving the building, but just four special units of 10,000 are going to make this building significantly warmer. Environmentalists expect us to be as upset as they are over a similar tiny fraction of the Earth’s atmosphere. They believe that carbon dioxide has such intense heat retention properties that it will destroy the balance of nature after increasing from 0.03% of the air that our planet holds, to 0.04%…a difference of one in ten thousand.

Alarmists scold and warn us about a terrible calamity that is upon us because our use of the fuels that are found far below our feet. They fret and worry that extremely weather will result from the incredible prosperity that abundant energy has brought. They say these dreadful changes have already started to kill people and reduce the quality of life.

One of the many problems with these dire predictions is the fact that deaths from weather-related events has declined dramatically over the past century. Better building materials and techniques are mitigating the disasters but it also seems increasingly possible that the climate of the next century will be less adverse than alarmists claim it will be. Crops yields continue to rise and people continue to live longer, healthier lives than they did before gasoline, diesel, natural gas and coal became widely available. Certainly, our industrial society produces pollution, but carbon dioxide is essential for all plant life and plant life is essential for everything else.

The solutions that alarmists propose are just as questionable as the intensity of the scowls that they have for anyone who questions the integrity of their claims. Bicycles are the most efficient form of transportation. If someone really wants to reduce their emissions of carbon dioxide and still move around a city, nothing compares to cycling. However, alarmists demand the replacement of every automobile and every piece of electricity generation equipment. I understand that people still want comfortable, fast cars and trucks with cup holders and Bluetooth sound systems, but if the planet really depends on significant reduction in so called “green house gas” emissions, Greta Thunberg would set a much better example to the world if she went on a bicycle tour around North America instead of the incredibly impractical example that she set with her Atlantic crossing. Few will ever traverse an ocean in a sail boat. Daily commutes in vehicles like the one that brought the United Nations poster child to New York Harbour are even rarer.

Greta could have shown the world a determined young woman using technology that everyone has access to. She could have said, “If I can bike across the United States, you can bike to work.” This would have ended the excuses for millions of people who want to save the planet, but just can’t see themselves getting around without a private automobile. It would have given her adoring fans an opportunity to peddle with her and form a PELOTON FOR THE PLANET. I predict that it would be wildly popular and effective and it would produce many excellent TV moments.

Instead, we have a carbon tax that funnels financial wealth from productive enterprises to strange new sectors of the economy that would not be economically viable without subsidies and some convoluted claim to producing goods or services that are favorable in light of the alarmist narrative. To me, it shows how little most people believe in the theory of Catastrophic Anthropogenic Climate Change.

Perhaps the level of direct interaction with people would have been too much for Greta. An autistic person like her might shrivel at the intense attention that might result. What about some other champion of the Paris Accord? Peeonardo DiCraprio could have pushed for action on Climate Change and looked like less of a multi-millionaire hypocrite. What about David Suzuki? He seems like he is still fit enough, in his golden years, to peddle at a modest pace across Canada. I wouldn’t fault him for sleeping in a luxurious motor coach along the way and I think most people would also understand the message of such a campaign and he too would attract a following. He old age would only add to the message the way Greta’s diminutive stature would. If he can bike so many thousands of kilometres, most able-bodied people could ride to some of their destinations on a regular basis.

None of these people make such demonstrations. I suspect their goal is a carbon tax because the big money (I mean really big money) is in the wealth transfer; the replacement of every automobile and piece of electricity generation equipment in the world. Giving people the opportunity to put their money where their mouths are will result in a small number of people enjoying a safe, comfortable bicycle path system. Avid cyclists will delight at the favorable conditions in their cities, towns and country-side, while motorists will continue to have their incredible mobility. In theory, if enough of the Canadians who claim to want “action on climate change” took the most effective action possible, there would be significantly fewer private automobiles on the road and levels of physical fitness would improve. We would save money on roads and have cleaner air and better health, but Gretta, Suzuki or DiCraprio will never tell you that. Their path to perceived salvation is through taxation and massive government interference in the economy.

Accusation/Cancel Culture

All Lives Matter

Accusations of racism are as much a part of 2020 as the China Virus. Desperate leftists seem to be scraping the bottom of the barrel for reasons to hate western civilization and capitalism. Considering how inclusive society has become, they are decades too late to make their claims of racism. The previous POTUS was a black Arab, for crying out loud. The current occupant of the oval office boasts of his superior service to African Americans. Many of the biggest stars of stage and screen are POCies. The world around me seems more tolerant and integrated than ever. I mostly see people of all colors getting along very well.

It is ironic how those who cry bloody murder when a person isn’t addressed by the unusual gender pronoun of his or her choice are so quick to declare the perceived offender “a bigot”. We are supposed to respect a man who identifies as a woman and if we fail in this outrageous obligation, today’s social justice warriors (SJWs) will label our perceived mistake as “hate speech”. It doesn’t matter that a very tiny fraction of people would identify as a NAZI; they will be treated as one if they don’t wax the balls of someone who identifies as a lady.

It is curious that sexual harassment has fallen out of fashion after the death of Jeffery Epstein. Not long ago, “rape culture” was a very popular trope to throw around but it seems to have been replaced by a rabid compulsion to perform violent virtue signaling against racism. The desire of leftists to focus on problems that have diminished a great deal in recent decades does nothing to relieve me of my suspicion that their leaders have something to hide on the topic of a notorious airplane that flew to a notorious island. Perhaps it was necessary to change the subject to spare their creepy leaders the justice they deserve. The modern mob has turned 180° away from their Constant claims of toxic masculinity in favor fists, fire and intimidation.

No matter how many times Donald Trump has spoken out against bigots, the fakenooz media continues to claim that he has never disavowed the KKK or white supremacy. Video of him denouncing hate is currently available for anyone who wants to find it.

You can find anything on the internet, including the transcript of George Floyd’s funeral. It is not surprising that every speaker omitted details of his career in pornography and use of drugs. When the world bids me farewell, my use of marijuana might be an amusing detail for those gathered to send-off my mortal remains. Floyd’s use of crystal meth is might have been less endearing for his family and it wouldn’t have fit the narrative of the innocent black man targeted for death by a quartet of racist white cops.

If it wasn’t for the mainstream media adopting The Landlord (Floyd’s pornography screen name) as a martyr, his funeral would have been a much humbler affair with a very limited number of attendees, just like everyone else who had the misfortune of dying in 2020. However, the media behaved as though all the puppies in the world had just been kicked. They described people as “white supremacists” when those people identify as reasonable and tolerant.

Perhaps we should treat bigots and men who self-identify as women the same. Perhaps we should think of them as people suffering from mental health problems. To me, it seems unhealthy to allow men and women of one skin color to operate under the assumption that they are above or below men and women of another skin color. It also strikes me as sick to allow people who either have testicles or grew up with testicles to be allowed to demolish biological females in sports.

Speaking of demolishing human bodies, perhaps it should also be a mental health issue when a cop kneels on someone’s neck for more than the time required to place restraints on the wrists in question. I suspect Floyd George would have been treated as a head-case at some point during his life. Unfortunately, the care that a degenerate criminal needs is often difficult to give. Police, at least, are under obligations to be functional people and have resources available to them to support their well being. Until the biopic I CAN’T BREATH comes out, I won’t know how much help Floyd received, but it obviously wasn’t enough. When two or more mentally ill people meet in a law enforcement situation, bad things are bound to happen. A place of employment wasn’t the only thing that George shared with the man who killed him. They were also brothers in madness. They danced with insanity and neither will ever be the same.